Play the Moments, Stop the Memories, Stop the Pain and Rewind The Happiness

Free Internet Radio is one of the most amazing inventions by and for the true beat lovers! “PLEASE DON’T STOP THE MUSIC”. Music is that piece of art that soothes the soul! Well who doesn’t listen to music! At some point everyone wants to relax their ears and calm down their nerves. While placing the hearing organ to the beats, the beating of the heart becomes so serene at times while loud at the other!

The music has the magic to create a special effect that lets us loose ourselves in tranquility. It’s always said that “the taste in music defines a person”! Well, truly said! Different people hold varied taste in music. Some soft, some hard, some soothing, some pumping, some rock, some pop and it has no end! What if this cocktail is presented to you on a single platter! Sounds amazing rite!

Well, Free Internet Radio is the key to listen to all the popular and diverse rhythmic tracks, categorized according to the different genres. Here, one doesn’t need to slog by entering the song again and again or by limitless searching! It is much easier to find the song by just clicking the most appealing class of songs, out of all and then obtaining the desired track to beat the heat!! is the website, which is becoming very popular nowadays! The stations on this website are of varied types on the basis of the interest of an individual. One can easily even create one’s playlist or just perform search operation like on the other websites! This site holds really creative and captivating themes so as to allure the person! Names like “The Breeze”,” Oldies but Goodies”, “Variety is the spice of life” and this eye catchy list goes on!

Some different categories offered by this site are:

  • MOST POPULAR STATIONS: This includes the list of the most popular and admired songs of the era. All the famous beats can be listened to here! It further consists of 10 stations, which can be browsed!
  • NOTHING BUT THE HITS: This includes the tracks which are a big hit in the industry! It holds the most amazing songs collection. It consists of a total of 11 stations, which provides a wide area choice!
  • THE GENETIC SHUFFLE: This includes the collection of the music albums, categorized with respect to the artist! It has a total of 42 stations to choose from.
  • ROCK AND ROLL ALL NITE: This includes all the rock and party beats, that can set your foot moving! It has a total of 14 stations for its glide!
  • WORK WORK WORK: This has a list of songs one can hear for a temporary ease from the workload! It includes almost 5 stations and mostly consists of soft music!
  • VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE: This includes variety of songs, that are a little unique in their music. This is the place to enjoy the different variety, all at one place. It has a total of 3 stations.
  • DANCE DANCE DANCE: This includes the groovy beats to set their heart and foot both in the motion of the beats! It has a total of 3 stations!
  • OLDIES BUT GOODIES: This has a list of golden song collection i.e. the ones which have always been in the favorites since a long time! They are old yet never lose their value! A true masterpiece collection! It has a total of 7 stations to savor from!

As it is quoted that “Music should either move your feet or sway your heart”. This goes very well with this website, as it awakes not two but the three things in the body- Mind, Heart and Soul! Whether you are in pink of your health, reflecting your mood or are at your blues, this site has everything to set you off on a roller coaster ride of music express!!

Going with the words “When words fail, music speaks”, So, Let the music play! What have you been waiting for then guys! Type in those magical words and listen to your favorite lullaby!